refund policy

Georgia Cycling Association understands that money is valuable, and circumstances arise that can cause a change in plans. We want to work with you to put your money to good use wherever possible. However, as a nonprofit, we run lean and allocate resources carefully. Based on these considerations we have adopted the following refund policy:

  • Programs Enrollment Fee: The 2025 TeamMTB fee is not refundable once paid. Our teams offer information sessions and the ability to try out the team before you register. Please take advantage of all opportunities to be sure TeamMTB is a good fit before paying the fee for the 2025 season.

  • Race Registration Fee: Once paid, all race registration fees are non-refundable. An exception might be made for medical reasons. See below.

  • Medical Exceptions: Should a rider have a medical issue that prevents them from riding in a race, that fee may be transferred to a future race (within the same season) with documentation from a medical professional. To preserve your ability to transfer you must email support@georgiacycling with a letter from a medical professional by 11:59 p.m. THE WEDNESDAY PRIOR TO THE RACE YOU ARE GOING TO MISS. If Georgia Cycling receives no such documentation by the deadline, the rider forfeits their ability to transfer to a future date.

  • Coaches Summit event registration may be transferred to another summit event. Refunds or partial refunds are not permitted.

  • First Aid event registration may be transferred to another first aid event. Refunds or partial refunds are not permitted.

  • Mountain Bike Coaching event registration may be transferred to another event. Refunds or partial refunds are not permitted.

For additional support on refunds, please email